6 Simple Tips for Increasing the Safety of Your Parking Facility

When it comes to your parking facility, one thing should be a key priority: safety. And parking facilities offer a diverse mix of risks that need to be mitigated. This includes pedestrians and vehicles moving simultaneously combined with distractions like drivers looking for a parking spot or people absent-mindedly searching for their car. These factors make the risk of an incident difficult to avoid. In fact, studies have shown that one in four pedestrian-related accidents occur in parking lots.

But while there is no failproof system for guaranteeing the safety of the customers within your facility, there are some key steps you can take to make your parking facility the safest it can possibly be.

Here are 6 considerations that can help enhance the safety of your parking facility.

Monitor Traffic Flow

High-traffic periods mean more pedestrians and more vehicles in your facility at one time. This increased volume brings with it a higher likelihood of an incident. As a traffic facility operator, it’s important that you monitor and understand the traffic flow in your lot. One great way to do this is through the use of video surveillance technology. This way, you can gauge the flow of traffic in your facility at different times in the day and assess whether additional staff are required to ensure smooth operations. It will also help you identify problematic points in the facility that you may be able to rectify.

Add Speed Bumps and Signage

Speed is a major contributor to vehicle and pedestrian incidents in parking facilities which is why it’s integral that you build speed bumps in your facility and utilize clearly marked speed signage. The maximum speed limit in your facility should be no higher than 10 to 15 kilometers per hour. All speed signs should be mounted in a highly visible and eye-catching area to ensure that drivers can see and abide by them.

Conduct Proper Facility Maintenance

Keeping your parking facility in great shape is important for a number of reasons. A clean and well-kept facility will be more appealing to potential customers. But it will also increase facility safety by ensuring all signage and guiding lines are visible, in turn reducing the risk of accidents or issues. And as a fringe benefit, it will also help in deterring would-be criminals.

Mark Off-Limits Areas with Safety Cones

Conducting maintenance on your facility is important, but it also adds another element of risk because you’re adding people working within the facility into the equation. When you have staff on-site working and conducting maintenance, it’s important that you mark off the area with safety cones to ensure drivers are aware the workers are there. This can also apply to areas that are under construction, or even places within the parking facility where drivers and pedestrians shouldn’t be going. You may also need to leave room for vehicles and equipment so using simple cone signs can be an easy and efficient solution.

Prominent Signage to Reduce Distractions

Distractions are a big liability in parking facilities. For instance, when pedestrians are distracted either by finding their way in or out of the facility, or while in search of their vehicles, they are paying less attention to vehicles. The same applies to drivers who are focused on finding a parking spot and paying less attention to foot traffic surrounding them. The use of prominent signage that is easy to read and remember will help reduce distractions and allow both drivers and pedestrians to focus more closely on their surroundings. This includes good wayfinding and directional signage which can be anything from trailblazer signs to mounted directional signs.

Clearly Define Parking Spots, Crosswalks, and Lanes

To maximize parking facility safety, it’s important to incorporate fundamental measures such as clearly defined parking spots, crosswalks, and lanes. Clearly marked driving lanes using things like painted lines or even traffic cones and delineator posts will help avoid vehicle accidents. Designated walkways and crosswalks will also help keep pedestrians out of vehicle pathways. It’s wise to create walkways using things like jersey barriers that clearly identify a dividing line between pedestrians and vehicles. And you should also ensure you have stop signs at every crosswalk to ensure vehicles are yielding to pedestrians. Even simple quick deploy stop signs will work, especially if you need to create a makeshift crosswalk, such as in the instance that you’re hosting a large-scale event and need to alter typical traffic patterns.

At Northern Specialty Supplies, we proudly offer a wide array of parking supplies and solutions, from consumable supplies to facility safety. To learn more, or if you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.